At the time in your life when you need a criminal defense attorney, don’t settle for sleazy. You need a lawyer you can trust. You need a skilled, bold and aggressive advocate who will protect your rights. You need an advocate who will protect your future.
Choosing a Christian lawyer may be of particular value to you. If you share fundamental beliefs of faith in God and reliance on Jesus Christ as your Savior, you may feel more comfortable in the course of your representation. A shared worldview and a shared faith in Jesus Christ can help shape the desired outcome of your case.
At JCS Law we will use every ethical means at our disposal to help you. Your faith can help you too. I have seen God’s hand help many of our clients. Remember Jesus’s comforting admonition to the leper in Luke 17:19, “thy faith hath made thee whole”.
In the course of protecting yourself from the earthly penalties of criminal charges, you too can be made whole through Jesus Christ. Whether you bear burdens of guilt, or whether you suffer from the terrible sting of injustice, you too can be made whole though exercising your faith in Jesus Christ.
Christian lawyers are not perfect, and choosing a lawyer should involve more than just selecting a lawyer of faith. Choosing a lawyer requires research into the lawyer’s skills and abilities. The relationship you establish with your lawyer should be one of trust and confidence in their professional abilities. All professions have different varieties of people. Don’t assume that all lawyers will do the same job for you, even if they are expensive.
At JCS Law, we strive to serve each of our clients with excellence regardless of their faith, or their disinterest in faith. If, however, you are seeking a Christian lawyer in the St. Louis area, please call us today and ask to speak with John.
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120 S Central Ave #1550
St. Louis MO 63105