Law enforcement across the St. Louis area is increasingly aggressive in their quest to find minors possessing and consuming alcohol. Several organizations and agencies statewide, including law enforcement, have received grants to find what MoDOT calls “youth alcohol parties” and to create youth-centered programs to prevent underage drinking and substance abuse.
Even a first-time violation of “minor in possession” can carry hefty fines and long-term consequences. The fines and consequences increase for second and subsequent violations, including imprisonment in county jail or license suspension without the assistance of a St. Louis Criminal Defense Lawyer.
Our firm can aggressively defend you or your loved one in these matters. Don’t become a victim of circumstances. Let a St. Louis MIP attorney with JCS Law help protect you or your loved one’s future by scheduling a free consultation today.
What it means to be charged with MIP
“Minor in possession of alcohol” (MIP) is a misdemeanor crime that occurs when any person under the age of 21 purchases, tries to purchase, or has in their possession any alcoholic beverage, regardless if it hasn’t been opened.
If a person is under the age of 21 and is found to be in possession of alcohol or is suspected to be under the influence, they’ve given their implied consent to a chemical test or tests of their breath, blood, saliva, or urine for the purpose of determining the amount of alcohol in their system. A person may also be charged with MIP if they are visibly intoxicated or if their blood alcohol content (BAC) is more than 0.02.
What is the importance and benefits of hiring a St. Louis MIP attorney?
Some people may think a MIP charge is minor, but the penalties can be steep, and the charge could linger on your criminal record. A skilled St. Louis criminal defense attorney with a deep understanding of Missouri underage consumption laws can help mitigate your penalties or even work to get the charge dismissed altogether by crafting a smart defense.
Benefits of hiring a minor in possession lawyer
An experienced St. Louis MIP attorney understands how BAC testing can be flawed, knows your rights, and can prove if your rights were violated or that police procedure wasn’t followed. The benefits of hiring an attorney far outweigh the cost.
Protecting legal rights
The Fourth Amendment protects you from unlawful search and seizure. If your St. Louis MIP attorney determines that the police violated your rights when searching for alcohol in your possession, in your car, dorm room, or house, that could be a strong, viable defense.
Reducing penalties
A first-time MIP violation may be charged as a class D misdemeanor, punishable by up to a $500 fine. A second or subsequent violation is charged as a class A misdemeanor and is punishable by imprisonment in county jail for up to 1 year and a fine not to exceed $2,000. If charged with a MIP while operating a motor vehicle, you can have your license suspended or revoked.
A St. Louis MIP lawyer with JCS Law can help you by negotiating with the prosecutor to lessen the penalties by seeking probation instead of jail time or requesting a hardship license to allow you to go to school and work rather than a complete license suspension.
How JCS Law can help you
Reducing or dismissing charges
Another step we take as your legal advocate is to have your initial charge(s) reduced or dismissed entirely. For example, if we find that the citing officer didn’t have probable cause to believe you were in possession of or had consumed alcohol, if you weren’t under 21 when you were cited, or if you were the victim of an illegal charge, we may be able to get the charges dismissed on those bases.
Sometimes, a prosecutor can be overzealous when charging minors. You may be charged with a more serious crime than you actually committed. In these cases, we could allege that you were overcharged and negotiate for a lesser charge with a lesser penalty.
Avoiding a criminal record and protecting future opportunities
Even a misdemeanor can be part of your criminal record for the rest of your life. One mistake as a teen could have lasting repercussions on your eligibility for federal financial aid, when seeking employment, or when looking for somewhere to live. You may also be required by law to reveal criminal charges on your record for some federal jobs, to enter the military, or if you wish to go to medical school or law school which could impact your acceptance into these programs.
Missouri permits the expungement of certain criminal charges, including MIP charges. The attorneys at JCS Law can help you learn whether your charge is eligible for expungement, assist you with the filing process, and represent you in the hearing. We understand that everyone makes mistakes, and we are here to help you move past yours.
When to hire a minor in possession lawyer
The best time to hire a St. Louis MIP attorney is the moment you get arrested or are charged. Even if time has passed since your arrest or citation, we can still help you. The sooner your St. Louis criminal defense attorney starts working, the better our chances are of securing a more favorable outcome for your case.
We represent you in court and advise you during police questioning. We also negotiate on your behalf with the prosecutor to achieve a plea deal or dismissal of charges.
What are possible defense strategies we can use in your case?
Our skilled criminal defense attorneys use several strategies for MIP defense; the ones we choose for your case depend on your unique situation. We may:
- Challenge the probable cause of the search that yielded alcohol
- Question the validity of any BAC testing you were subject to
- Assert that your Fourth Amendment rights were violated in any search of your person or property
- Allege that you weren’t in possession of alcohol – it belonged to someone else
- Argue police entrapment – you were entrapped by an officer seeking “youth alcohol parties”
Our first step is talking to you, listening to your side of the story, so that we know where the prosecutor’s case is weakest. We also investigate the incident on our own, questioning witnesses and auditing police records associated with your arrest and any searches or testing.
Why hire JCS Law?
At JCS Law, we value your rights and stand up against government infringement on them. We believe that everyone is entitled to a strong defense against criminal charges, and that’s what we deliver. We won’t beat around the bush and we won’t mislead you. You can trust that our St. Louis MIP attorney will do everything they can to help you get back on your feet.
Let our St. Louis MIP attorney help you
MIP charges are not to be taken lightly. Don’t risk your future or limit your opportunities because you have a criminal charge on your permanent record. The St. Louis criminal defense attorneys at JCS Law represent individuals who have been charged with MIP and related offenses, such as a fake ID or public intoxication charge. Contact us today at (314) 561-9690 to schedule an appointment.
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St. Louis MO 63105