Driving while intoxicated is a serious charge, but it becomes even more serious when it results in an accident. Recently a man allegedly hit a Missouri State Highway Patrolman’s car as he was getting out to perform a traffic stop. When the man’s car collided with the state patrolman’s vehicle, it pushed it into the patrolman allegedly causing moderate injuries. The man cooperated with the investigation and was later charged with two counts of second degree assault and driving while intoxicated.
If you cause an accident and are later charged with DWI, the penalties associated with your DWI may be greater and you may face felony DWI charges.
If you or a loved one is facing charges of DWI and assault, you need legal representation immediately. Choose an experienced DWI defense attorney like John C. Schleiffarth to represent you and defend your rights. You are innocent until proven guilty in court. Protect your rights today.
Source: ksdk.com, “Driver charged with DWI in crash that injured state trooper,” Allison Sylte, May 25, 2014
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