FBI agent to Appear in court for misdemeanor charges

A Fulton man who is an FBI agent and member of the Boone County Sheriff’s Department Cyber Crimes Task Force will appear in court next week on misdemeanor assault charges that alleges he choked someone and caused them to lose consciousness.

Misdemeanor charges may not be as serious as felony charges but can still have serious implications when it comes to your criminal record and future education and employment opportunities.

Fines for a misdemeanor may be up to $1000 and prison sentences could be upto 1 year. If you or a loved one have been criminally charged with a misdemeanor offense, you need to hire an experienced St. Louis criminal defense lawyer to handle your case. JCS Law handles misdemeanor charges throughout the St. Louis area as well as Felony charges throughout Missouri.

Source: ksdk.com, “FBI Agent to Appear in Court on Misdemeanor Charge,” July 25, 2014

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