Burglar Charged With Stealing Prescription Meds

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A Jefferson County man was recently arrested at a woman’s home where he allegedly posed as a pest control company technician. He is accused of entering the woman’s apartment, asking her to run the water in her kitchen while he went into her bathroom. The woman states she later realized her prescription drugs were missing. The man was later charged with first-degree burglary and stealing.


Missouri Burglary charges are very serious and require a serious defense. If you have been charged with Burglary in Jefferson County JCS Law can help! Attorney John Schleiffarth fights Burglary charges in Missouri.  The Jefferson County Sheriff and other police agencies are getting more and more aggressive and the penalties are harsh, including prison. Don’t go without a bold and aggressive defense; call JCS Law to fight for you.


Source:  Daily Journal, “’Bug guy’ faces more charges,” March 20, 2014.

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